[linux] wget cez proxy - squid

Marian Schubert M.Schubert na sh.cvut.cz
Čtvrtek Prosinec 2 22:29:26 CET 1999

* Martin Melkovic <martin na hmz.sk> [991202 22:18]:
> Prosim o radu ako na to? 
> Ked wget nieco stahuje stahuje to priamo, rad by som, aby to stahoval cez proxy (samozrejme oba programy na jednom stroji).
> Pouzivam debian, squid. 
vi /etc/wgetrc
a pridaj tam riadky

http_proxy = http://$HOST:$PORT/
use_proxy = on

to use_proxy = on je default ale istota je istota :)


Fry: Don't give up. There were plenty of times in my century when 
I was going to give up but I never did. Never. Hey, are you even 
listening to me? Oh, I give up.
First: Marian     Age:    18       Email: maio na i.am    ICQ:50296124
Last:  Schubert   Gender: Male     Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Nick:  Maio                        Homepage: http://i.am/maio
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