[linux] Word Perfect 8.0

Martin Simun martin.simun na atlas.cz
Čtvrtek Červen 17 00:52:56 CEST 1999

Milan Remenar wrote:

> Nevie mi niekto poradit.
> Stiahol som si instal. subory na Word Perfect pre linux.
> Mam 6 suborov s priponou gz. S rozpakovanim som nemal problemy.
> Po rozpak. som dostal 6 suborov gui00 az gui06.Dalej neviem pokracovat.
> Pozeral som na install instrukcie tam sa pise ze treba spustit z prikaz. riadku
> ./Runme ,ale to mi nejde . Ak skusam spustit jednotlive subory priamo,
> vypisuje mi ze nemoze vykonavat binarne subory. Skusal som pozriet na prava , ale to je v poriadku , ako root mam prava na vykonavanie .Nevie niekto ako mam postupovat.

Nazdar !

	Tie subory, ktore si stiahol su pravdepodobne archivy,
takze ich musis rozpakovat prikazom "tar xvzf meno_suboru".
Alebo najskor rozzipovat a potom "tar xf meno_suboru".
Potom by sa ti malo objavit v adresari nieco take, ako napisal
Martin Poprocky.

Posielam ti vypis z README:

"Corel WordPerfect FTP Download Instructions

 This file has been written to document the steps required to install
 the FTP downloaded version of Corel WordPerfect.

 1) Download the file(s) from the web into an empty directory.
 2) Unzip each downloaded file(s).
 3) Untar each downloaded file(s) (tar xf <file>).
 4) Run the newly created Runme script.

 Note: In order for the GUI installation to work, your display
 must be set correctly.

 The Runme script will launch the Corel WordPerfect installation for
 At this point, simply answer the questions you are prompted for during
 the install.

 Note: The Runme script must operate in the /bin/sh environment.
 If you encounter problems, start the Runme script using "sh Runme".

 We hope you enjoy using Corel WordPerfect for Unix.  If this is a demo
 version, and you like it, then buy it."

Skript RUNME spusti rozpakovanie a instalaciu, ale predtym si vytvor
kde to budes instalovat, a nastav si prava na zapisovanie.

							Martin Simun
							martin.simun na atlas.cz

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