[linux] opakovanie mejlov

Juraj Bednar bednar na rak.isternet.sk
Středa Únor 23 15:52:22 CET 2000


  v prvom rade by som sa chcel ospravedlnit za opakovanie mejlov v konfere.
 Zistil som, ze problem v ziadnom pripade nie je v majordomovi (ten mail
 posle sendmailu len raz). Problem je v sendmailovi.

 Problemov je viacej. Jeden problem sme vyriesili uz davno (bolo treba
 znizit CheckPointinterval z 10 na 1). To vsak nepomohlo. Citam majordomo

There have been many reports from Linux users complaining about duplicate
mail. The problem seems to be that flock() under Linux is broken. This
may be fixed in a future release, but for now in sendmail's conf.h in
the #ifdef __linux__ section add a line #define HASFLOCK 0. There are
also reports that some versions of the libc have problems, and that
linking with the libresolv.a from a recent BIND version will work around
the problem.  [ Please let me know if you have any more information --ed ]

 Ma niekto viac informacii o tomto celom probleme? (stretol sa s tym uz niekto)?
 Dufam, ze tento mejl uz nepride dvakrat, lebo ma pomerne rychlo drbne.


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