[linux] shutdown/power-off, wake up, ups

Jarry guru jarry na gmx.net
Pátek Leden 7 11:31:04 CET 2000

Dado Jan wrote:
> > Neviete nahodou niekto, ako to spravit v linuxe aby ked
> > dam "shutdown -h now" sa hned aj vypol pocitac (ATX case)?
> Isiel si na to dobre, option je v advanced power managemente, vola sa
> power-off on shutdown.

Tak to som uz vyskusal. Rebootol som nove jadro, potom
"shutdown -h now" ale zase to skoncilo s hlaseniami:

 The system is halted.
 System halted.

No a stale treba stuknut vypinacom, aby sa skrina vypla.
Nejaky dalsi tip...?


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