[linux] Apache Directory Browser

Matus "fantomas" Uhlar uhlar na fantomas.sk
Pátek Prosinec 13 15:42:00 CET 2002

-> Trapi ma taka prkotinka. :-)
-> Apache generuje pri browsovani po adresaroch html stranku kde su prislusne
-> subory...
-> Vadi mi na tej stranke ktoru vygeneruje to, ze nazvy suborov skracuje na
-> 20pismen+.. a >(http://netopier.sh.cvut.cz/downloads/). Neda sa niekde
-> nastavit aby zobrazovalo kompletne nazvy ako to je na
-> http://nagoya.apache.org/dist/httpd/binaries/freebsd/ Mam aj zdrojaky ale
-> nikde som to nenasiel.


NameWidth=[n | *] (Apache 1.3.2 and later)
    The NameWidth keyword allows you to specify the width of the filename
    column in bytes. If the keyword value is '*', then the column is
    automatically sized to the length of the longest filename in the display.

 Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, uhlar na fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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 They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
 safety deserves neither liberty nor safety. -- Benjamin Franklin

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