[linux] Ekvivalent filelength..

peter Fodrek fodrek na kasr.elf.stuba.sk
Středa Červenec 3 10:58:47 CEST 2002

Vazeny kolegovia!Nevie mi niekto poradit, ci existuje nejaky ekvivalent funkcie filelength v headeroch gcc 2.x v LINUX-e , alebo ina moznost ziskania velkosti suboru (mozno readdir -uz som dlho nerobil s dirent strukturou-takze neviem ci to da aj velkost) najak mi ani man (nepozna),apropos a ani google nepomohol a sam programovat, co uz iste niekto urobil....Vdaka za raduPetofilelengthSyntax#include <io.h>

long filelength(int fhandle);
DescriptionThis function returns the size, in bytes, of a file whose handle is specified in the argument fhandle. To get the handle of a file opened by section fopen or section freopen, you can use section fileno macro. Return ValueThe size of the file in bytes, or (if any error occured) -1L and errno set to a value describing the cause of the failure. If the file's length is larger than a 32-bit unsigned int can hold, errno will be set to EOVERFLOW. Portabilitynot ANSI, not POSIX 

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