[linux] RE: OT: SPOLUPRACA (mozno) - KOMERCIA (mozno nie)

Marcel Telka marcel na telka.sk
Pátek Duben 11 16:33:46 CEST 2003

Napísané dňa 2003.04.11 16:14, (autor: Matus fantomas Uhlar):
> -> Ok. Polopate priklad: Ponukam na predaj CD so zdrojakmi linux
> kernelu za
> -> 10000 Sk (samozrejme mozeme predpokladat, ze som istu cast linux
> kernelu
> -> naprogramoval ja :-)).
> -> 
> -> 1. Je to komercia? Je.
> -> 2. Je to soft pod GPL? Je.
> -> 3. Porusujem nejake licencie? Nie.
> obavam sa ze ano :) licencia povoluje predavat CD s primeranym ziskom.
> Myslim ze by ti ziaden sud neuznal takyto zisk za primerany...

Pozor! Mylis sa.

Ustanovenie o "primeranom zisku" plati len v takomto pripade:
Distribuujem GPL soft len v binarnej forme (za akukolvek cenu). Potom
musim distribuovat (napr. na poziadanie) zdrojaky v podstate len za

Konkretne, aby som bol presny:
Bod 1 GPL hovori o distribucii "verbatim copies" programu (co je nas
pripad) a hovori, o.i., toto:

You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.

O distribucii binariek (vzniknutych prekladom zdrojakov GPL softu)
hovori bod 3 GPL a hovori o.i. toto:

Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to
give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically
performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the
corresponding source code ......

Podotykam, ze bod 1 nijako neobmedzuje cenu, za ktoru to predavas.
Dokonca este v preambule GPL sa pise toto:

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis
or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have.
You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code.
And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. 

T.j. znova ziadne obmedzenie, co sa tyka vysky poplatkov (teda ceny).

GPL je o slobode. A medzi tieto slobody patri aj sloboda pytat za GPL
soft akukolvek cenu a tiez sloboda tuto cenu zaplatit, alebo nezaplatit

| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   marcel na telka.sk  |
|                homepage: http://telka.sk/ |
|                jabber:   marcel na jabber.sk |

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