[linux] MySQL server problem

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar na fantomas.sk
Čtvrtek Listopad 27 11:42:29 CET 2003

On 27.11 10:47, Marek Podmaka wrote:
> Pri pripojeni na MySQL cez perl mi skript vratil tuto chybu:
> Can't connect to Mysql: Can't create a new thread (errno 11). If you are 
> not out of available memory, you can consult the manual page for a 
> possible OS-dependent bug
> na serveri bolo v tom case aktivnych asi 200 connections (vacsina postfix 
> + courier, takze viac-menej nepouzivane). S pamatou by problem byt nemal 
> (ale neviem to iste, ale tato chyba prisla mailom z cronu a ja som 
> medzitym restartoval mysql). Neviete coho mal v systeme malo? :)

zrejme mysql server mal obmedzeny pocet klientov na 200

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar na fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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