[linux] dhcpd.leases

Urban Biel rbk na stv.sk
Pondělí Srpen 9 12:43:07 CEST 2004

Jan Ostrochovsky wrote:
> cim moze byt sposobene to, ze niektora MAC adresa zakazdym dostane 2 IPcky?
ked sa pozries na tie zaznamy, je tam 'binding state free', teda ta MAC adresa 
nedostala tieto IPcky 'naraz'. Podla mna v dvoch roznych casoch dostala raz IP 
adresu .249 a inokedy zasa .248, 9.8.2004 o 8:26 akurat dhcp daemon oznacil 
tieto IP adresy za uvolnene. Podobnych zaznamov mam aj ja habadej.

> celkovo ten riadok uid ... je zvlastny, lebo normalne by to malo vyzerat 
> napr. takto: uid "\001\000\000\342\241\204\214";, kde prva pozicia znaci 
> ARP typ a zvysok je MAC adresa
  uid posiela klient a moze poslat vlastne hocico (aj nic). Z manualovej stranky:
        The  uid  statement records the client identifier used by the client to
        acquire the lease.   Clients are not required to  send  client  identi-
        fiers,  and  this statement only appears if the client did in fact send
        one.   Client identifiers are normally an ARP  type  (1  for  ethernet)
        followed  by  the MAC address, just like in the hardware statement, but
        this is not required.
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