[linux] mozno bit OT: Linux vo vzdelavacom systeme USA

peto fodrek na kasr.elf.stuba.sk
Úterý Srpen 24 17:14:18 CEST 2004

Vazena konferencia!

Dovolim si upozornit, ze v nasom skolskom systeme chyba jedna katogoria skol
a sice cirkevno-sukromne skoly.
Jedna z takychto skol je aj Palmer Trinity School(Palmerova trojiocna skola)
v Miami. Vznikla spojenim katolickej prirodovedne sukromnej Palmer School a
Episcopal Trinity School patriacej apostolskej cirkvi (episcopal
church=americka verzia anglikanskej cirkvi s volenymi biskupmi). Jej web je
http://www.palmertrinity.org .
 Cena za navstevu tejto skoly je aj pre americanov vysoka ked si uvedomime,
podpora v nezamestnaosti v USA je 10 000 USD rocne a rocne platby za tuto
skolu su

                                               rok skolskej dochadzky
                                        6-8                   9-12
Middle School Tuition:     $15,400         Upper School: $16,000
Cafeteria:                         $850
$850  (skolska jedalen)
Technology Fee:              $500                                      $500
(za prenajom techniky na domace studium)
Matriculation Fee:            $1,000
$1,000 (zapisne)
    Total Tuition and Fees: $17,750                                $18,350

a to este 60% nakladov na vzdelanie hradi cirkev a prispievaju nan
sponzorske dary.

Tato skola ma vsak jasny program a plan inovovany kadzy rok- ten pre rok
2004 je na (pod pojmom kredit sa rozumie studium predmentu v troch
Prave z tohto dokumentu vyplyva:

V oblasti  Linux je tato skola pokrokovou, ma totiz volitelny predmet
(podotykam, ze ide o skolu na urovni 8 rocneho gymnazia v nasich koncinach)

Advanced Computer Science - Linux (one credit)

s  naplnou

The year-long course offers a proficiency in Linux, the operating system and
scripting environment that powers three-quarters of the internet's servers.
The first trimester is devoted to a beginning level exploration of the
operating system itself, and the second trimester focuses on server
applications (including Apache, DNS, and Samba). In the third trimester,
students learn perl, the language of CGI scripting. Open to students in
grades 10-12, but enrollment is subject to instructor approval.

za zaklad povinny pre vsetkych sice povazuju predmet
Introduction to the Laptop Program (Grade 6)

This trimester course required of all sixth grade students provides
instruction in the use of the Palmer Trinity Network, including the use of
the First Class eMail system and the printing facilities. Students learn
basic troubleshooting techniques and how to navigate the World Wide Web.
Students also become skilled at basic Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

ktory je Microsoft-oidny, ale aky je rozdiel medzi OO.org a MS Office v
obsluhe a potom maju programovanie, ktore je fakticky az na BASIC

Introduction to Programming

& Multimedia (variable credit)

This sequence of three trimester programming/multimedia classes range from
intermediate to advanced study. The courses serve students who have an
interest in writing their own computer programs and applets, using Visual
Basic, JavaScripting, and Dreamweaver. The first trimester centers on Visual
Basic; the second trimester includes Dreamweaver and Flash; and the third
trimester focuses on JavaScript programming methodology with a strong
emphasis on language syntax. Robot programming (via Stamp Basic) is also
explored in each trimester. Students may choose to take all three courses or
just one, earning from one-third to a full elective credit. Prerequisite:
Computer I or equivalent; open to students in grades 9-12.

Skola je aj inak pokrokova, ale to sem nepatri,

len nahliadnime do dalsich oblasti

Mathematics is a fundamental and universal language. The department seeks to
develop in each student a firm foundation in problem-solving skills that
will play an important role in other academic disciplines and in everyday
life. Students learn various strategies of critical thinking and seek
multiple paths to solutions.
A presne ta posledna veta charakterizuje, o com je matematika, a co ma
priniest cloveku. Lenze vyucba matemtiky na Slovensku ma od tohto principu
daleko a preto je neoblubena. Kazdy clovek ma totiz iny sposob myslenia a ta
ista uloha sa da riesit (hlavne v matematike) roznymi sposobmi, ale u nas sa
vnucuje postup podla myslenia ucitela, ktora casto nema s laskou k
matematike nic spolocne.
Este vacsi sok zazijeme pri citani predmentu prirodne vedy (v anglicky
hovoriacom  svete sa len tieto predmety nazyvaju vedami a ostany su
humanitne a jazykove predmety nie vsak vedy). Navyse studium vedy prebieha
denne 2 hod dopoludnia, 2 h popoludni a este by studenti mali stravit doma
aspon 1 h denne nad domacou ulohou(toto tiez v nasich koncinach nie je
aplikovatelne, pokial nebude akretiovane aj zakladne a stredne skoly pricom
budu komisiou aj hodnotene)
Students should expect at least one hour of homework each night.

The National Science League (NSL)
The NSL is a national science competition designed for middle and upper
school science students; it consists of a series of subject specific tests
given in class during the spring.
All Palmer Trinity School students complete the NSL in the subject matter
they are currently studying. The NSL test results count as a test grade in
the third trimester
Toto skutocne nema u nas obdobu, lebo obdoba by bola vo forme povinnosti
kazdeho studenta zucastnit sa olympiady v predmete, ktory studuje (najskor
studuju fyziku po jej "dostudovani" vyuziju poznatky z nej vyuziju v chemii,
co je v podstate len fyzika elektronoveho obalu atomu, a poznatky z
"dostudovanej"chemie vyuziju  pri studiu biologie a tento postup je
logickejsi ako nas system) a vysledok studenta v minimalne krajskom kole (ak
nie celostatnom) urci znamku z predmentu v tretom trimestri, ktora sa pocita
ako 50% hodnotenia za rok(ostatne dva trimestre maju vahu 25%).

Physical Education
Upper School Physical Education (1/3 credit)
Wellness (1/3 credit)
This trimester course stresses the importance of physical, mental and social
health. Topics include anatomy, nutrition, drug and alcohol awareness,
stress management, healthy personal relationships and sound decision-making
Weight Training (1/3 credit)
This trimester course teaches students the basic principles of resistance
CPR/First Aid (1/3 credit)

Dufam, ze to nebolo az prilis off-topic.

Další informace o konferenci linux