[linux] ACER Aspire1355Lc + ACPI

Martin pir na extel.sk
Úterý Říjen 26 19:51:07 CEST 2004


Ja mam acer aspire 1355LM (to iste akurat graficka je Radeon 9200) a
vsetko bezi tak ako ma (dokonca na slackware 10, a s mensimi upravami aj
na kerneli 2.6.9).

> -graficke vystupy ine ako je samotny display (s-video, external-VGA) som 
> z toho stroja v linuxe nedostal... (neda sa povedat ze by som sa kto vie 
> ako snazil) ak niekto ma skusenosti nech sa o ne pls podeli :)
external vga funguje bez problemov, staci zapojit externy monitor a stlacit 
FN+F5, pripadne oparkovanym stlacenim sa pouzije zobrazenie lcd
zaroven s externym monitorom. s s-videom pre tuto graficku asi
neporadim, pre radeona vsak krasne funguje program atitvout

> -Funkcne tlacitka (modro potlacene) ak v  jadre zapnete podporu
> notebokov toshiba tak zacnu niektore fungovat
> tlacitka na zmenu jasu displeja funguju (dolezite tlacitka v
> pripade ze chcete aspon chvilu vydrzat pracovat na bateriu
> znizte jas na minimum)
> funguje aj tlacitko na vypnutie napajania disp.
> funguje aj tlacitko na vypnutie/zapnutie touchpadu
> ostatne modre tlacitka nemaju ziaden efekt
> ale zistil som ze
> ACPI udalost generuju takze by sa im mohla
> dat nejaka funkcia priradit
> Strieborne okruhle tlacitka nefunguju vobec (samozrejme okrem
> POWER :) ) ale na nete je par programov ktore vraj rozbehaju aspon
> dva z nich P1 a P2 (neviem neskusal som)
sive tlacidla WWW a MAIL maju hned pridelene keycodes, trosku je problem s P1
a P2, ktorym pridelujem keycodes prikazmi
        setkeycodes e073 122
        setkeycodes e074 123
v /etc/rc.d/rc.local.
co sa tyka modrych tlacitiel, tak tie som rozbehal vsetky (az na FN+F1 az
FN+F4, ktore nie su nijako zmyslupne, ale zrejme by ich nebol problem
rozbehat). FN+F5 funguje na prepnutie na externy monitor, FN+F6 vypina
podsvietenie displeja, F7 vypina touchpad (vsetko sa deje hardverovo). 
FN+F8 (mute), FN+UP, FN+DOWN (volume UP, DOWN) maju pridelene keycodes. 
potom staci keycodom klaves pridelit nejaku hodnotu, napr. ja mam v
/etc/X11/xinit/.Xmodmap taketo nastavenie
        keycode 209=F13
        keycode 210=F14
        keycode 178=F15
        keycode 236=F16
        keycode 160=F17
        keycode 174=F18
        keycode 176=F19
potom ti staci v nejakom programe priradit tymto klavesam F13 az F19
nejaku akciu (este vyznam klavesov: F13 je P1, F14 je P2, F15 je WWW,
F16 je MAIL, F17 je mute, F18 je VolDown a F19 je VolUp)

>    ACPI dovoluje menit frekvenciu CPU po skokoch v rozmedzi 
> 1393-1990Mhz .. a predpokladam ze tie skoky su nejako na tvrdo zadane 
> lebo ich zoznam vypisuje uz kernel pri starte...co mi je vsak divne a na 
> co sa chcem vlastne aj opytat je ci sa neda nejako (s pomocou ACPI alebo 
> bez) nastavit este NIZSIA frekvencia nez 1393... lebo ked som mal este 
> nainstalovany XP tak ten ukazoval takt procesora hockedy aj okolo 300Mhz 
> a so zatazenim sa naozj dynamicky menil az po max hodnotu a doba prace 
> na bat. pri zhruba rovnakom zatazeni bola skutocne vyssia .. (okolo 2,5 
> hodiny ako udava vyrobca)
dovod preco nefunguje poriadne zmena frekvencie je posahany acerovsky
bios so zlou PST tabulkou. ja to tiesim tak, ze mam v kernel 'natvrdo' 
nakompilovany s hodnotami frekvencii v
inak ohladom tych 300 MHz, windows hlasi hluposti (predpokladam ze to mas
zo system settings), minimalna frekvencia na ktorej tento procesor moze 
bezat je nejakych 700MHz, presne ako ti to bios hlasi na zaciatku. na
taktovanie procesora za behu pouzivam powernowd
http://www.deater.net/john/powernowd.html, pri behu na baterky
nastavujem frekvenciu na minimum, potom je vydrz na baterky skutocne
okolo tych 2,5 hodin.


        ICQ: 101915375
        mail: pir -zavinac- extel.sk
------------- další část ---------------
 *  AMD K7 Powernow driver.
 *  (C) 2003 Dave Jones <davej na codemonkey.org.uk> on behalf of SuSE Labs.
 *  (C) 2003-2004 Dave Jones <davej na redhat.com>
 *  Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2.
 *  Based upon datasheets & sample CPUs kindly provided by AMD.
 *  BIG FAT DISCLAIMER: Work in progress code. Possibly *dangerous*
 * Errata 5: Processor may fail to execute a FID/VID change in presence of interrupt.
 * - We cli/sti on stepping A0 CPUs around the FID/VID transition.
 * Errata 15: Processors with half frequency multipliers may hang upon wakeup from disconnect.
 * - We disable half multipliers if ACPI is used on A0 stepping CPUs.

#include <linux/config.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/moduleparam.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/cpufreq.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/dmi.h>

#include <asm/msr.h>
#include <asm/timex.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
#include <asm/system.h>

#include <linux/acpi.h>
#include <acpi/processor.h>

#include "powernow-k7.h"

#define DEBUG

#ifdef DEBUG
#define dprintk(msg...) printk(msg)
#define dprintk(msg...) do { } while(0)

#define PFX "powernow: "

struct psb_s {
	u8 signature[10];
	u8 tableversion;
	u8 flags;
	u16 settlingtime;
	u8 reserved1;
	u8 numpst;

struct pst_s {
	u32 cpuid;
	u8 fsbspeed;
	u8 maxfid;
	u8 startvid;
	u8 numpstates;

union powernow_acpi_control_t {
	struct {
		unsigned long fid:5,
	} bits;
	unsigned long val;

/* divide by 1000 to get VID. */
static int mobile_vid_table[32] = {
    2000, 1950, 1900, 1850, 1800, 1750, 1700, 1650,
    1600, 1550, 1500, 1450, 1400, 1350, 1300, 0,
    1275, 1250, 1225, 1200, 1175, 1150, 1125, 1100,
    1075, 1050, 1024, 1000, 975, 950, 925, 0,

/* divide by 10 to get FID. */
static int fid_codes[32] = {
    110, 115, 120, 125, 50, 55, 60, 65,
    70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105,
    30, 190, 40, 200, 130, 135, 140, 210,
    150, 225, 160, 165, 170, 180, -1, -1,

/* This parameter is used in order to force ACPI instead of legacy method for
 * configuration purpose.

static int acpi_force;

static struct cpufreq_frequency_table *powernow_table;

static unsigned int can_scale_bus;
static unsigned int can_scale_vid;
static unsigned int minimum_speed=-1;
static unsigned int maximum_speed;
static unsigned int number_scales;
static unsigned int fsb;
static unsigned int latency;
static char have_a0;

static unsigned char *fake_pst;
static void create_fake_pst(void)
#define NUMPSTATES 5
	fake_pst = kmalloc((sizeof(u32) + 4*sizeof(u8) + 2*NUMPSTATES*sizeof(u8)), GFP_KERNEL);

	*((u32*)fake_pst) = 0x7a0;   /* cpuid */
	*(fake_pst+4) = 133; /* fsbspeed */
	*(fake_pst+5) = 24;   /* maxfid (15.0) */
	*(fake_pst+6) = 7;  /* startvid (1.1) */
	*(fake_pst+7) = NUMPSTATES;   /* numpstates */

	*(fake_pst+8) = 6;   /*  798 MHz */
 	*(fake_pst+9) = 23;  /*  1.1 V   */
 	*(fake_pst+10) = 9;  /*  1064 MHz */
 	*(fake_pst+11) = 17; /*  1.25 V   */ 
 	*(fake_pst+12) = 0;  /*  1463 MHz */
 	*(fake_pst+13) = 13; /*  1.35 V   */
 	*(fake_pst+14) = 3;  /*  1662 MHz */
 	*(fake_pst+15) = 10; /*  1.5 V    */
 	*(fake_pst+16) = 24; /* 1995 MHz */
 	*(fake_pst+17) = 7;  /*  1.65 V  */

static int check_fsb(unsigned int fsbspeed)
	int delta;
	unsigned int f = fsb / 1000;

	delta = (fsbspeed > f) ? fsbspeed - f : f - fsbspeed;
	return (delta < 5);

static int check_powernow(void)
	struct cpuinfo_x86 *c = cpu_data;
	unsigned int maxei, eax, ebx, ecx, edx;

	if ((c->x86_vendor != X86_VENDOR_AMD) || (c->x86 !=6)) {
#ifdef MODULE
		printk (KERN_INFO PFX "This module only works with AMD K7 CPUs\n");
		return 0;

	/* Get maximum capabilities */
	maxei = cpuid_eax (0x80000000);
	if (maxei < 0x80000007) {	/* Any powernow info ? */
#ifdef MODULE
		printk (KERN_INFO PFX "No powernow capabilities detected\n");
		return 0;

	if ((c->x86_model == 6) && (c->x86_mask == 0)) {
		printk (KERN_INFO PFX "K7 660[A0] core detected, enabling errata workarounds\n");
		have_a0 = 1;

	cpuid(0x80000007, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx);

	/* Check we can actually do something before we say anything.*/
	if (!(edx & (1 << 1 | 1 << 2)))
		return 0;

	printk (KERN_INFO PFX "PowerNOW! Technology present. Can scale: ");

	if (edx & 1 << 1) {
		printk ("frequency");

	if ((edx & (1 << 1 | 1 << 2)) == 0x6)
		printk (" and ");

	if (edx & 1 << 2) {
		printk ("voltage");

	printk (".\n");
	return 1;

static int get_ranges (unsigned char *pst)
	unsigned int j;
	unsigned int speed;
	u8 fid, vid;

	powernow_table = kmalloc((sizeof(struct cpufreq_frequency_table) * (number_scales + 1)), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!powernow_table)
		return -ENOMEM;
	memset(powernow_table, 0, (sizeof(struct cpufreq_frequency_table) * (number_scales + 1)));

	for (j=0 ; j < number_scales; j++) {
		fid = *pst++;

		powernow_table[j].frequency = (fsb * fid_codes[fid]) / 10;
		powernow_table[j].index = fid; /* lower 8 bits */

		speed = powernow_table[j].frequency;

		if ((fid_codes[fid] % 10)==5) {
			if (have_a0 == 1)
				powernow_table[j].frequency = CPUFREQ_ENTRY_INVALID;

		dprintk (KERN_INFO PFX "   FID: 0x%x (%d.%dx [%dMHz])\t", fid,
			fid_codes[fid] / 10, fid_codes[fid] % 10, speed/1000);

		if (speed < minimum_speed)
			minimum_speed = speed;
		if (speed > maximum_speed)
			maximum_speed = speed;

		vid = *pst++;
		powernow_table[j].index |= (vid << 8); /* upper 8 bits */
		dprintk ("VID: 0x%x (%d.%03dV)\n", vid,	mobile_vid_table[vid]/1000,
	powernow_table[number_scales].frequency = CPUFREQ_TABLE_END;
	powernow_table[number_scales].index = 0;

	return 0;

static void change_FID(int fid)
	union msr_fidvidctl fidvidctl;

	rdmsrl (MSR_K7_FID_VID_CTL, fidvidctl.val);
	if (fidvidctl.bits.FID != fid) {
		fidvidctl.bits.SGTC = latency;
		fidvidctl.bits.FID = fid;
		fidvidctl.bits.VIDC = 0;
		fidvidctl.bits.FIDC = 1;
		wrmsrl (MSR_K7_FID_VID_CTL, fidvidctl.val);

static void change_VID(int vid)
	union msr_fidvidctl fidvidctl;

	rdmsrl (MSR_K7_FID_VID_CTL, fidvidctl.val);
	if (fidvidctl.bits.VID != vid) {
		fidvidctl.bits.SGTC = latency;
		fidvidctl.bits.VID = vid;
		fidvidctl.bits.FIDC = 0;
		fidvidctl.bits.VIDC = 1;
		wrmsrl (MSR_K7_FID_VID_CTL, fidvidctl.val);

static void change_speed (unsigned int index)
	u8 fid, vid;
	struct cpufreq_freqs freqs;
	union msr_fidvidstatus fidvidstatus;
	int cfid;

	/* fid are the lower 8 bits of the index we stored into
	 * the cpufreq frequency table in powernow_decode_bios,
	 * vid are the upper 8 bits.

	fid = powernow_table[index].index & 0xFF;
	vid = (powernow_table[index].index & 0xFF00) >> 8;

	freqs.cpu = 0;

	rdmsrl (MSR_K7_FID_VID_STATUS, fidvidstatus.val);
	cfid = fidvidstatus.bits.CFID;
	freqs.old = fsb * fid_codes[cfid] / 10;

	freqs.new = powernow_table[index].frequency;

	cpufreq_notify_transition(&freqs, CPUFREQ_PRECHANGE);

	/* Now do the magic poking into the MSRs.  */

	if (have_a0 == 1)	/* A0 errata 5 */

	if (freqs.old > freqs.new) {
		/* Going down, so change FID first */
	} else {
		/* Going up, so change VID first */

	if (have_a0 == 1)

	cpufreq_notify_transition(&freqs, CPUFREQ_POSTCHANGE);


struct acpi_processor_performance *acpi_processor_perf;

static int powernow_acpi_init(void)
	int i;
	int retval = 0;
	union powernow_acpi_control_t pc;

	if (acpi_processor_perf != NULL && powernow_table != NULL) {
		retval = -EINVAL;
		goto err0;

	acpi_processor_perf = kmalloc(sizeof(struct acpi_processor_performance),

	if (!acpi_processor_perf) {
		retval = -ENOMEM;
		goto err0;

	memset(acpi_processor_perf, 0, sizeof(struct acpi_processor_performance));

	if (acpi_processor_register_performance(acpi_processor_perf, 0)) {
		retval = -EIO;
		goto err1;

	if (acpi_processor_perf->control_register.space_id != ACPI_ADR_SPACE_FIXED_HARDWARE) {
		retval = -ENODEV;
		goto err2;

	if (acpi_processor_perf->status_register.space_id != ACPI_ADR_SPACE_FIXED_HARDWARE) {
		retval = -ENODEV;
		goto err2;

	number_scales = acpi_processor_perf->state_count;

	if (number_scales < 2) {
		retval = -ENODEV;
		goto err2;

	powernow_table = kmalloc((number_scales + 1) * (sizeof(struct cpufreq_frequency_table)), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!powernow_table) {
		retval = -ENOMEM;
		goto err2;

	memset(powernow_table, 0, ((number_scales + 1) * sizeof(struct cpufreq_frequency_table)));

	pc.val = (unsigned long) acpi_processor_perf->states[0].control;
	for (i = 0; i < number_scales; i++) {
		u8 fid, vid;
		unsigned int speed;

		pc.val = (unsigned long) acpi_processor_perf->states[i].control;
		dprintk (KERN_INFO PFX "acpi:  P%d: %d MHz %d mW %d uS control %08x SGTC %d\n",
			 (u32) acpi_processor_perf->states[i].core_frequency,
			 (u32) acpi_processor_perf->states[i].power,
			 (u32) acpi_processor_perf->states[i].transition_latency,
			 (u32) acpi_processor_perf->states[i].control,

		vid = pc.bits.vid;
		fid = pc.bits.fid;

		powernow_table[i].frequency = fsb * fid_codes[fid] / 10;
		powernow_table[i].index = fid; /* lower 8 bits */
		powernow_table[i].index |= (vid << 8); /* upper 8 bits */

		speed = powernow_table[i].frequency;

		if ((fid_codes[fid] % 10)==5) {
			if (have_a0 == 1)
				powernow_table[i].frequency = CPUFREQ_ENTRY_INVALID;

		dprintk (KERN_INFO PFX "   FID: 0x%x (%d.%dx [%dMHz])\t", fid,
			fid_codes[fid] / 10, fid_codes[fid] % 10, speed/1000);
		dprintk ("VID: 0x%x (%d.%03dV)\n", vid,	mobile_vid_table[vid]/1000,

		if (latency < pc.bits.sgtc)
			latency = pc.bits.sgtc;

		if (speed < minimum_speed)
			minimum_speed = speed;
		if (speed > maximum_speed)
			maximum_speed = speed;

	powernow_table[i].frequency = CPUFREQ_TABLE_END;
	powernow_table[i].index = 0;

	return 0;

	acpi_processor_unregister_performance(acpi_processor_perf, 0);
	printk(KERN_WARNING PFX "ACPI perflib can not be used in this platform\n");
	acpi_processor_perf = NULL;
	return retval;
static int powernow_acpi_init(void)
	printk(KERN_INFO PFX "no support for ACPI processor found."
	       "  Please recompile your kernel with ACPI processor\n");
	return -EINVAL;

static int powernow_decode_bios (int maxfid, int startvid)
	struct psb_s *psb;
	struct pst_s *pst;
	unsigned int i, j;
	unsigned char *p;
	unsigned int etuple;
	unsigned int ret;

	etuple = cpuid_eax(0x80000001);

	for (i=0xC0000; i < 0xffff0 ; i+=16) {

		p = phys_to_virt(i);

		if (memcmp(p, "AMDK7PNOW!",  10) == 0){
			dprintk (KERN_INFO PFX "Found PSB header at %p\n", p);
			psb = (struct psb_s *) p;
			dprintk (KERN_INFO PFX "Table version: 0x%x\n", psb->tableversion);
			if (psb->tableversion != 0x12) {
				printk (KERN_INFO PFX "Sorry, only v1.2 tables supported right now\n");
				return -ENODEV;

			dprintk (KERN_INFO PFX "Flags: 0x%x (", psb->flags);
			if ((psb->flags & 1)==0) {
				dprintk ("Mobile");
			} else {
				dprintk ("Desktop");
			dprintk (" voltage regulator)\n");

			latency = psb->settlingtime;
			if (latency < 100) {
				printk (KERN_INFO PFX "BIOS set settling time to %d microseconds."
						"Should be at least 100. Correcting.\n", latency);
				latency = 100;
			dprintk (KERN_INFO PFX "Settling Time: %d microseconds.\n", psb->settlingtime);
			dprintk (KERN_INFO PFX "Has %d PST tables. (Only dumping ones relevant to this CPU).\n", psb->numpst);

			p += sizeof (struct psb_s);

			pst = fake_pst;

			etuple = pst->cpuid;
			maxfid = pst->maxfid;
			startvid = pst->startvid;

			for (i = 0 ; i <psb->numpst; i++) {
				pst = fake_pst;
				number_scales = pst->numpstates;

				if ((etuple == pst->cpuid) && check_fsb(pst->fsbspeed) &&
				    (maxfid==pst->maxfid) && (startvid==pst->startvid))
					dprintk (KERN_INFO PFX "PST:%d (@%p)\n", i, pst);
					dprintk (KERN_INFO PFX " cpuid: 0x%x\t", pst->cpuid);
					dprintk ("fsb: %d\t", pst->fsbspeed);
					dprintk ("maxFID: 0x%x\t", pst->maxfid);
					dprintk ("startvid: 0x%x\n", pst->startvid);

					ret = get_ranges ((char *) pst + sizeof (struct pst_s));
					return ret;

				} else {
					p = (char *) pst + sizeof (struct pst_s);
					for (j=0 ; j < number_scales; j++)
			printk (KERN_INFO PFX "No PST tables match this cpuid (0x%x)\n", etuple);
			printk (KERN_INFO PFX "This is indicative of a broken BIOS.\n");

			return -EINVAL;

	return -ENODEV;

static int powernow_target (struct cpufreq_policy *policy,
			    unsigned int target_freq,
			    unsigned int relation)
	unsigned int newstate;

	if (cpufreq_frequency_table_target(policy, powernow_table, target_freq, relation, &newstate))
		return -EINVAL;


	return 0;

static int powernow_verify (struct cpufreq_policy *policy)
	return cpufreq_frequency_table_verify(policy, powernow_table);

 * We use the fact that the bus frequency is somehow
 * a multiple of 100000/3 khz, then we compute sgtc according
 * to this multiple.
 * That way, we match more how AMD thinks all of that work.
 * We will then get the same kind of behaviour already tested under
 * the "well-known" other OS.
static int __init fixup_sgtc(void)
	unsigned int sgtc;
	unsigned int m;

	m = fsb / 3333;
	if ((m % 10) >= 5)
		m += 5;

	m /= 10;

	sgtc = 100 * m * latency;
	sgtc = sgtc / 3;
	if (sgtc > 0xfffff) {
		printk(KERN_WARNING PFX "SGTC too large %d\n", sgtc);
		sgtc = 0xfffff;
	return sgtc;

static unsigned int powernow_get(unsigned int cpu)
	union msr_fidvidstatus fidvidstatus;
	unsigned int cfid;

	if (cpu)
		return 0;
	rdmsrl (MSR_K7_FID_VID_STATUS, fidvidstatus.val);
	cfid = fidvidstatus.bits.CFID;

	return (fsb * fid_codes[cfid] / 10);

static int __init acer_cpufreq_pst(struct dmi_system_id *d)
	printk(KERN_WARNING "%s laptop with broken PST tables in BIOS detected.\n", d->ident);
	printk(KERN_WARNING "You need to downgrade to 3A21 (09/09/2002), or try a newer BIOS than 3A71 (01/20/2003)\n");
	printk(KERN_WARNING "cpufreq scaling has been disabled as a result of this.\n");
	return 0;

 * Some Athlon laptops have really fucked PST tables.
 * A BIOS update is all that can save them.
 * Mention this, and disable cpufreq.
static struct dmi_system_id __initdata powernow_dmi_table[] = {
		.callback = acer_cpufreq_pst,
		.ident = "Acer Aspire",
		.matches = {
			DMI_MATCH(DMI_SYS_VENDOR, "Insyde Software"),
	{ }

static int __init powernow_cpu_init (struct cpufreq_policy *policy)
	union msr_fidvidstatus fidvidstatus;
	int result;

	if (policy->cpu != 0)
		return -ENODEV;

	rdmsrl (MSR_K7_FID_VID_STATUS, fidvidstatus.val);

	/* A K7 with powernow technology is set to max frequency by BIOS */
	fsb = (10 * cpu_khz) / fid_codes[fidvidstatus.bits.CFID];
	if (!fsb) {
		printk(KERN_WARNING PFX "can not determine bus frequency\n");
		return -EINVAL;
	dprintk(KERN_INFO PFX "FSB: %3d.%03d MHz\n", fsb/1000, fsb%1000);

 	if (dmi_check_system(powernow_dmi_table) || acpi_force) {
		printk (KERN_INFO PFX "PSB/PST known to be broken.  Trying ACPI instead\n");
		result = powernow_acpi_init();
	} else {
		result = powernow_decode_bios(fidvidstatus.bits.MFID, fidvidstatus.bits.SVID);
		if (result) {
			printk (KERN_INFO PFX "Trying ACPI perflib\n");
			maximum_speed = 0;
			minimum_speed = -1;
			latency = 0;
			result = powernow_acpi_init();
			if (result) {
				printk (KERN_INFO PFX "ACPI and legacy methods failed\n");
				printk (KERN_INFO PFX "See http://www.codemonkey.org.uk/projects/cpufreq/powernow-k7.shtml\n");
		} else {
			/* SGTC use the bus clock as timer */
			latency = fixup_sgtc();
			printk(KERN_INFO PFX "SGTC: %d\n", latency);

	if (result)
		return result;

	printk (KERN_INFO PFX "Minimum speed %d MHz. Maximum speed %d MHz.\n",
				minimum_speed/1000, maximum_speed/1000);

	policy->governor = CPUFREQ_DEFAULT_GOVERNOR;

	policy->cpuinfo.transition_latency = 20 * latency / fsb;

	policy->cur = powernow_get(0);

	cpufreq_frequency_table_get_attr(powernow_table, policy->cpu);

	return cpufreq_frequency_table_cpuinfo(policy, powernow_table);

static int powernow_cpu_exit (struct cpufreq_policy *policy) {
	return 0;

static struct freq_attr* powernow_table_attr[] = {

static struct cpufreq_driver powernow_driver = {
	.verify 	= powernow_verify,
	.target 	= powernow_target,
	.get		= powernow_get,	
	.init		= powernow_cpu_init,
	.exit		= powernow_cpu_exit,
	.name		= "powernow-k7",
	.owner		= THIS_MODULE,
	.attr		= powernow_table_attr,

static int __init powernow_init (void)
	if (check_powernow()==0)
		return -ENODEV;
	return cpufreq_register_driver(&powernow_driver);

static void __exit powernow_exit (void)
	if (acpi_processor_perf) {
		acpi_processor_unregister_performance(acpi_processor_perf, 0);
	if (powernow_table)
	if (fake_pst)

module_param(acpi_force,  int, 0444);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(acpi_force, "Force ACPI to be used");

MODULE_AUTHOR ("Dave Jones <davej na codemonkey.org.uk>");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION ("Powernow driver for AMD K7 processors.");


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