[linux] Vyriesene

riki phobie na axfr.org
Úterý Leden 4 22:53:59 CET 2005

> Z manualu OpenVPN:
> -----------------------------------%<-----------------------------------
> So I would make the statement that one should never tunnel a non-IP
> protocol or UDP application protocol over UDP, if the protocol might be
> vulnerable to a message deletion or reordering attack that falls within
> the normal operating parameters of what is to be expected from the
> physical IP layer. The problem is easily fixed by simply using TCP as
> the VPN transport layer.
> -----------------------------------%<-----------------------------------
> Cize ak chcem aj UDP protokol tunelovat, musim mat tunel postaveny na
> TCP, nie UDP. Takze som zmenil protokol a uz to ako sa zda funguje.
> Super. ;-)

neznamena to ze MUSIS ak chces tunelovat UDP protokol, hovori to len o 
bezpecnostnych aspektoch

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