[linux] GPG key signing party

Jan SARENIK jasan na x31.com
Čtvrtek Říjen 4 13:39:53 CEST 2007


Na LugCone budem mat prednasku o zakladoch GPG a nasledne by som bol
rad, aby ti, co uz kluce maju a chcu si vymenit podpisy, aby si
pripravili papieriky pomocou prilozeneho skriptu (pripadne podobne).

Pouzitie skriptu je jednoduche:

   ./gpg-key2ps "Karlicek Kukalek" >my-key.ps

A este by som rad upozornil na nasledovnu moznost v gpg.conf:

        echo ask-cert-level >>~/.gnupg/gpg.conf

ktora zabezpeci chovanie podobne tomu v sarsich verziach GPG, ze sa
pri podpise kluca opyta, ako to velmi ste si identitu cloveka
overili a to prida ako parameter podpisu.

   Dakujem, s pozdravom Jasan
------------- další část ---------------

Usage: gpg-key2ps [-p papersize] [-r revoked-style] [-1] keyid-or-name

revoked-style is one of:
  grey   - Print text in grey
  hide   - Don't show revoked uids
  note   - Add "(revoked)"
  show   - List revoked uids normally
  strike - Strike through lines

Output is PostScript which can be sent to e.g. the lpr command.
Specifying the paper size only works when libpaper is installed.


This script comes from the original Signing-Party package which has been
originally created and maintained by Simon Richter <sjr na debian.org> and
Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs na debian.org>.


Copyright (C) 2001-2007  Simon Richter and Thijs Kinkhorst

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  GNU General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with
  the Debian GNU/Linux distribution in file /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL;
  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St,
  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

------------- další část ---------------
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# gpg-key2ps: convert a PGP/GnuPG key into paper slips.
# Copyright (C) 2001-2005  Simon Richter
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007  Thijs Kinkhorst
# Copyright (C) 2005-2006  Christoph Berg <cb na df7cb.de>
# Licenced under the GNU General Public License,
# version 2 or later.
# $Id: gpg-key2ps 315 2007-03-02 13:12:47Z thijs $
# modified to omit subkeys --kasal

use strict;
use Getopt::Long;

my $version = '$Rev: 315 $';
$version =~ s/\$Rev:\s*(\d+)\s*\$/$1/;
my $revokestyle = "hide";
my $columns = 2;
my $creationdate = scalar(localtime);

sub version($) {
	my $fd = shift;
	print $fd "gpg-key2ps $version - (c) 2001-2007 Simon Richter, Thijs Kinkhorst, Christoph Berg\n";

sub usage($$) {
	my ($fd, $exitcode) = @_;
	version ($fd);
	print $fd <<EOF;
Usage: $0 [-p papersize] [-r revoked-style] [-1] keyid-or-name ...
 -p --paper-size
 -r --revoked-style
        hide   - Don't show revoked uids (default)
        grey   - Print text in grey
        note   - Add "[revoked]"
        show   - List revoked uids normally
        strike - Strike through lines
 -1 Only print one column, for extra wide keys
 -h --help
 -v --version
	exit $exitcode;

# fetch command line parameters
my $opts;
if (!GetOptions (
	'-h'                => \$opts->{help},
	'--help'            => \$opts->{help},
	'-v'                => \$opts->{version},
	'--version'         => \$opts->{version},
	'-p=s'              => \$opts->{papersize},
	'--paper-size=s'    => \$opts->{papersize},
	'-r=s'              => \$opts->{revokestyle},
	'-1'                => \$opts->{1},
)) {
	usage(\*STDERR, 1);

if ($opts->{help}) {
	usage (\*STDOUT, 0);

if ($opts->{version}) {
	version (\*STDOUT);
	exit 0;

if ( $opts->{revokestyle} ) { $revokestyle = $opts->{revokestyle}; }
if ( $opts->{papersize} ) { $ENV{'PAPERSIZE'} = $opts->{papersize}; }

if ( $revokestyle !~ /^(grey|hide|note|show|strike)$/ ) {
	print STDERR "Unknown revoked-style \"$revokestyle\".\n";
	usage (\*STDERR, 1);

if ( $opts->{1} ) { $columns = 1; }

usage(\*STDERR, 1) unless scalar @ARGV >= 1;

# determine the paper size through the paperconf tool
my $w; my $h;
if ( `which paperconf` && $? == 0 ) {
	$w=`paperconf -w`;
	$h=`paperconf -h`;
} else {
	# Default to A4.
	print STDERR "Warning: libpaper-utils is not installed, defaulting to A4.\n";

# open a gpg process we'll be reading from below
map { s/'/'\\''/g; } @ARGV; # quote single quotes
# --list-key due to #382794
open(GPG, "gpg --list-key --with-fingerprint --with-colons '". (join "' '", @ARGV) ."' |");

sub start_postscript {
# start the PostScript output
print <<EOF;
%%BoundingBox: 0 0 $w $h
%%Creator: gpg-key2ps $version
%%CreationDate: $creationdate
%%Pages: 1

%%Page: 1 1

/w $w def
/h $h def

/Times-Roman findfont 9 scalefont setfont 

/newline {
	/y y 10 sub def
} def

/hline {
	30 y 3 add moveto
	w $columns div 30 sub y 3 add lineto stroke
} def

/needhline {
	/condhline { hline } def
} def

/noneedhline {
	/condhline { } def
} def

/showAlgorithm {
  << 1 (R) 2 (r) 3 (s) 16 (g) 20 (G) 17 (D) >> exch get
} def

/pub {
	50 y moveto (pub) show
	70 y moveto show showAlgorithm (/) show show
	150 y moveto show
	200 y moveto show
} def

/fpr {
	70 y moveto (Key fingerprint = ) show show
} def

/uid {
	50 y moveto (uid) show
	200 y moveto show
} def


# output the desired display for revoked uids
if ( $revokestyle eq "grey" ) {
	print "/revuid {\n";
	print "	.5 setgray\n";
	print "	uid\n";
	print "	0 setgray\n";
	print "} def\n";
} elsif ( $revokestyle eq "note" ) {
	print "/revuid {\n";
	print "	50 y moveto (uid) show\n";
	print "	200 y moveto show ( [revoked]) show\n";
	print "	newline\n";
	print "} def\n";
} elsif ( $revokestyle eq "show" ) {
	print "/revuid { uid } def\n";
} elsif ( $revokestyle eq "strike" ) {
	print "/revuid {\n";
	print "	uid\n";
	print "	45 y 9 add moveto h 2 div 45 sub y 18 add lineto stroke\n";
	print "} def\n";

print <<EOF;

/sbk {
	50 y moveto (sub) show
	70 y moveto show showAlgorithm (/) show show
	150 y moveto show
} def

/key {
} # sub start_postscript

# walk the output of gpg line by line
# $numlines has the total number of lines so we'll know how many to put on page
my $numlines = 0;
my $started = 0;
while(<GPG>) {
	# we don't use these
	if ( /^(tru|uat):/ ) { next; }
	# every primary uid causes an extra line because of the separator
	if ( /^pub:/ ) {
		start_postscript() unless $started;
		$started = 1;
	# primary uid
	s/^pub:[^:]*:([^:]*):([0-9]*):.{8,8}(.{8,8}):([^:]*):[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:([^:]*):[^:]*:[^:]*:.*/	($5) ($4) ($3) $2 ($1) pub/;
	# fingerprint, format it nicely with spaces
	if ( /^fpr:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:([^:]*):.*/ ) {
		my $fpr = $1;
		# v4 key
		$fpr =~ s/(\w{4})(\w{4})(\w{4})(\w{4})(\w{4})(\w{4})(\w{4})(\w{4})(\w{4})(\w{4})/$1 $2 $3 $4 $5  $6 $7 $8 $9 $10/;
		# v3 key
		$fpr =~ s/(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})(\w{2})/$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8  $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16/g;
		$_ = "	($fpr) fpr\n";
	# user ids
	s/^uid:[^:r]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:([^:]*):.*/	($1) uid/;
	# revoked user id
	if (s/^uid:r[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:([^:]*):.*/	($1) revuid/) {
		next if $revokestyle eq "hide";
	# subkey
	# kasal: do not print subkey
	next if
	s/^sub:[^:]*:([^:]*):([0-9]*):.{8,8}(.{8,8}):([^:]*):[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:.*/	($4) ($3) $2 ($1) sbk/;
	# print this line

unless ($started) {
	print STDERR "No public key found.\n";
	exit 1;

# output the remaining postscript
print <<EOF;
} def

/numlines $numlines def
/num w 16 sub 10 div numlines div def

/column {
	/y w 20 sub def
	1 1 num {
		0 0 h $columns div w rectclip
		/upper y 11 add def
		/lower y 11 add def
		0 upper h $columns div upper h $columns div lower 0 lower 0 upper moveto lineto lineto lineto lineto stroke
	} for
} def

w 0 translate
90 rotate

if ( $columns == 2 ) {
	print <<EOF;
h $columns div 0 translate


print <<EOF;


# done!
exit 0;


=head1 NAME

B<gpg-key2ps> - generates a PS file from a GnuPG keyring


B<gpg-key2ps> [B<-r> I<revoked-style>] [B<-p> I<papersize>] I<keyid-or-name> [ I<...> ]


gpg-key2ps generates a PostScript file with your OpenPGP key fingerprint (repeated
as often as it fits) useful for keysigning parties. The only argument is the same
as you would pass to GPG's list-keys command, either a key-id or a (partial) name.
The PS data is written to stdout.

=head1 OPTIONS


=item B<-p> B<--paper-size> I<paper-size>

Select the output paper size. Default is to look into /etc/papersize or A4 if
libpaper isn't installed.

=item B<-r> B<--revoked-style> I<revoked-style>

Select how to mark revoked UIDs. Five styles are available:
 B<hide> don't show at all (default),
 B<show> show normally,
 B<grey> display in 50% grey,
 B<note> add "[revoked]", and
 B<strike> strike through.

=item I<keyid>

Keyids to print. Multiple can be separated by spaces.

=item B<-h> B<--help>

Print usage and exit.

=item B<-v> B<--version>

Print version and exit.


=head1 SEE ALSO




(c) 2001 - 2005 Simon Richter <sjr na debian.org>

(c) 2005 Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs na kinkhorst.com>

(c) 2005 Christoph Berg <cb na df7cb.de>

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