[linux] paralelne spustanie procesov (kompresia logov)

Lubomir Host rajo na platon.sk
Úterý Únor 2 21:51:31 CET 2010

A v Debiane som na to este nasiel balik 'schedtool'

Description: Queries/alters process' scheduling policy and CPU affinity
 Schedtool can query or alter a process' scheduling policy in Linux,
 specifically assigning SCHED_NORMAL, _FIFO, _RR, _BATCH, _ISO or _IDLEPRIO. It
 can set static priority for _FIFO and _RR. Setting CPU-affinity and (re)nicing
 is also possible, making schedtool the definitive interface to Linux scheduler.
 It can be used to avoid skips and glitches in A/V applications, to lock
 processes onto given CPUs on SMP/NUMA systems, which may be beneficial for
 networking or benchmarks, or to adjust nice-levels of lesser important jobs to
 maintain a high amount of interactive responsiveness under high load. It is
 also handy to manage realtime processes.
 If you don't know about scheduling policies, you probably don't want to use
 this program - or learn and read "man sched_setscheduler".
 Some supported scheduling policies (such as SCHED_ISO, or SCHED_IDLEPRIO) need
 a patched kernel (eg. Con Kolivas' -ck patchset).
Tag: admin::kernel, implemented-in::c, interface::commandline, role::program, scope::utility, use::configuring, works-with::software:running

On Tue, Feb 02, 2010 at 09:47:59PM +0100, Peter Viskup wrote:
> Nevsimol som si, ze to chces bindovat na jednotlive procesory.
> Pre Perl mozes pouzit modul Forks::Super
> http://search.cpan.org/~mob/Forks-Super-0.11/lib/Forks/Super.pm
> pre prikazovy riadok utility taskset.
> --
> Peter Viskup
> Peter Viskup wrote:
>> Naskriptuj si to.
>> Ja som to riesil v Perl-e (urcite sa to da aj v shelli ;-) ).
>> (nasledujuci kod nemusi byt plne funkcny a je nutne ho doplnit)
>> # spracuva sa prvy argument vo forme --childs <number>
>> use warnings;
>> use strict;
>> use locale;
>> my $MAXCHILD = 5;
>> my $CURCHILD = 0;
>> my ($num, $start_num, $end_num, $childs) = (0,0,0);
>> use Getopt::Long;
>> if (!GetOptions('childs=i'=>\$childs)) {
>>    usage();
>>    die "Wrong options!\n";
>> }
>> if ($childs>0){
>>    $MAXCHILD=$childs;
>> }
>> while ($num <= $end_num) {
>>    if($CURCHILD < $MAXCHILD){
>>        if(my $pid = fork()){
>>            addchild();
>>        }
>>        elsif(defined $pid){
>>            # tuto nieco vykonava child...
>>            exit;
>>        }
>>        else{
>>            die "Fork failed: $!\n";
>>        }
>>    }
>>    else {
>>        while($CURCHILD >= $MAXCHILD){
>>            my $processid = waitpid(-1, 0);
>>            delchild();
>>        }
>>    }
>> }
>> sub addchild {$num++; $CURCHILD++;}
>> sub delchild {$CURCHILD--;}
>> -- 
>> Peter Viskup
>> Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
>>> Zdravim,
>>> poznate niekto aplikaciu ktora by mi umoznila zadefinovat niekolko  
>>> procesov
>>> ktore by sa mali spustit, pricom paralelne by malo bezat vzdy max. X
>>> procesov?
>>> rad by som komprimoval dost velke logy paralelne na kazdom procesore  
>>> jeden
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