[linux] Kolko maximlane particii ide vytvorit na SATA disku

Peter Fodrek peter.fodrek na stuba.sk
Úterý Září 21 10:38:19 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 21 September 2010 10:31:21 Ján Sáreník wrote:
> ahoJ!
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 10:17:21AM +0200, Peter Fodrek wrote:
> > Nema niekto relevantne informaci, ako to realne je?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_boot_record:
>   ,,This means the number of logical drives that can be formed within an
>   extended partition is limited only by the amount of available disk
> space.''
> http://lxr.linux.no/#linux+v2.6.35.5/Documentation/devices.txt:
>     3 block       First MFM, RLL and IDE hard disk/CD-ROM interface
>               0 = /dev/hda          Master: whole disk (or CD-ROM)
>              64 = /dev/hdb          Slave: whole disk (or CD-ROM)
>             For partitions, add to the whole disk device number:
>               0 = /dev/hd?          Whole disk
>               1 = /dev/hd?1         First partition
>               2 = /dev/hd?2         Second partition
>                 ...
>              63 = /dev/hd?63        63rd partition
>             For Linux/i386, partitions 1-4 are the primary
>             partitions, and 5 and above are logical partitions.
>             Other versions of Linux use partitioning schemes
>             appropriate to their respective architectures.
> To znamená, že linux by mal zvládať tých 63-4=59 logických partícií.
> Ale závisí to potom ešte od implementácie toho daného softvéru,
> ktorý rieši pri inštalácii Ubuntu partície. Možno si tam niekto
> povedal ,,15 logical partititions ought to be enough for anybody.''

Tych logickych je "len 12"
ale je top mozne,ze je to len problem instalatora. 
lebo ubuntu vidi aj ostane partice, ale vidi ich nenaformatovane..


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