[linux] postfix smtp auth pri transparentnom odchytavani

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar na fantomas.sk
Středa Prosinec 15 08:01:45 CET 2004

(to nie miesto pozdravu, ale ze ma taka jednoducha vec nenapadla skor,
sorry all!)

On 15.12 07:49, Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:
> Takze v podstate chces transparentnu SMTP proxy s content filteringom.
> Obavam sa ze ani uchovanie mena a hesla ti nepomoze spolahlivo riesit
> problem - co ak bude meno a heslo zadane zle, co urobis s mailom ktory
> vlastne nemal vobec odist od klienta?
> takze by som hladal tymto smerom, nejake odkazy som videl ale zdali sa
> komerne alebo windowsacke...
> (google: transparent smtp proxy antivirus)

pripadne "apt-cache search smtp proxy"

clamsmtp - SMTP virus-scanning proxy

moze byt?

Description: SMTP virus-scanning proxy
 ClamSMTP is an SMTP filter that allows you to check for viruses using the
 ClamAV anti-virus software. It accepts SMTP connections and forwards the SMTP
 commands and responses to another SMTP server. The 'DATA' email body is
 intercepted and scanned before forwarding.
 ClamSMTP aims to be lightweight, reliable, and simple rather than have a myriad
 of options. It's written in C without major dependencies. If you need more
 options then you could use something big like AMaViS which is written in PERL
 and can do almost anything.
 ClamSMTP was written with the Postfix mail server in mind.  You do not need a
 local mail-transport-agent installed, since this server can forward to a
 remote one.

Len to asi bude chciet spolupracu s transparentnym presmerovanim, pokial
to nevie clamav tak najst iny demon ktory len zisti kam ma smerovat
aspusti clamsmtp smerom na spravny server.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar na fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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