[linux] problem s bootovanim na jedare 2.6.0

Vlasaty Anton vlasaty na novitech.sk
Čtvrtek Únor 26 15:40:12 CET 2004

mam problem s bootovanim na jdare 2.6.3 pocas bootovania vypise:
The superblock cound not be read or   does not describe a correct
If the device is valid and it really containd an ext2 filesystem (andnot
swap or ufs or something else), 
then the superblock is corrupt, andyou might try running e2fsck with an
alternate suberblock :
e2sck -b 8193 <device>fsck faild. Pleas repair ..............Ked
resetnem komp a bootnem s jadrom 2.6.1 ide vsetko ok.
Particie su ext3. Pouzivam lilo, debian Sid. 
Priamo v jadreje podpora pre ext2 a ext3.Neviete niekdo co stym???

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